Reading room

Visitors to the Fotograf Gallery have the opportunity to become readers of a selection of literature focused on the Fotograf Festival’s main theme, “Eye in the Sky”, and of a curatorial selection of relevant articles in electronic format as well as the Fotograf Magazine issues.
The MIT Pres, MACK, Sternberg Press, Aperture, Picador Press, Verso, University of California Press, Penguin, Serpentine Galleries, Spector books, Artarchiv, Nakladatelství AMU, A2.
Jirka Skála: The genres of everyday life
An analogue of photographs from the “Genres of Everyday Life” series started in 2017.
Vojtěch Rada: Due to the laws of the planet of purple clouds
A computer game and a gamebook of the same name develop the same story in a different medium and reflect the different experiences with the former and the latter. A PC game can be played in the Reading room, where a game book is also available.
Sputnik lands in Prague. Dented and several times bigger. Fortunately, it lands on a free parcel, where the temple of St. Nicholas never stood. Overnight, a building is built under it. House of the Children of Atom. Black Republic. They say two architects, Kóma and Chvost, or Arkady and Boris, have done this. Strugatsky. It is also said they have founded an institution for poor and unsuccessful architects – Archiduma, which stands where Štenc’s house never had. The player follows the footsteps of architects/writers, and there are purple clouds all over Prague. One of them covers the place where the Club for Old Prague never stood. The player is dragged through the story, which takes place in a world of virtual beauty with illusive interactivity. But he /she will always come to the place where the others came (…) until it makes him or her bored.